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Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Brief History of Weight Loss Tea

Herbal slimming teas are made up of various plants, herbs, fruit, and other products like flowers, leaves and roots. The process of making and serving the tea is the same as any other method used to tea, minus the addition of a sweetener like sugar or honey. Most people are familiar with common methods of making tea with boiling water, but there are a few others, like sun tea or simply soaking for longer periods in cold water.

Tea for the most part is a pretty simple affair, nothing more than a few finely dried leaves and some other herbs but the effects can be substantial. Some teas or tea products make the claim that users can loose substantial weight during the first week of use. It is incredible results such as these that drive the popularity of slimming tea

History of Slimming Tea

The Chinese have been making tea for over 4000 years and because of that an the assumption that they have probably gotten it right by now producers still follow old production methods. They use the same ingredients and frequently consult experts in proper preparation.

Side Effects of Slimming Tea

People often think of tea as a natural alternative to other more powerful processed supplements but the fact of the matter is tea is a very powerful combination and can have significant side effects, especially on people with no tolerance.

One of the main problems with tea products that are supposedly safe is that they may have added laxatives. These will certainly cause weight loss but not the kind that most people want. People can also become dependent on laxatives and this is not a good situation, medically or socially.

The caffeine in many of these products has also been increased. While tea alone does have caffeine it is not normally as much as coffee, however some fat burner supplements do have much higher levels of caffeine.

Green tea can be a fabulous addition to your diet and assist you with weight management, but do not expect to loss weight without proper diet and exercise. Try the different varieties of slimming tea to see what is right for you.

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For More Related Topics Blog: How Can I Lose Weight Really Fast

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